Reverend Michael Elias A.K.A. Pastor Mike was born in the naval hospital at Balboa Park in San Diego, and was raised and educated in South Dakota K through college. He attended Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque Iowa and was Ordained July 21st, 1981.
Since his Ordination, he has served 12 congregations in North and South Dakota, Iowa, Texas and Detroit, Michigan. In addition to his MDiv, he has additional doctoral training in Marriage and Family Therapy with research in leadership. He has taught at the Great Plains Institute of Theology in North Dakota as well as Texas Woman’s University in Denton.
He is married with four married children, 4 grandchildren and numerous grand cats, dogs, and pet rats.
“Forty years of ordained ministry has been guided from a pastoral heart as I do ministry with the people of God - That is how I can best imitate Christ.” -Pastor Mike